PMS Ghost Hunting Tours

A native of Cass County, Missouri, Michael grew up in an 1880 farmhouse that had its fair share of unseen visitors, and one who was always present in the attic. After earning undergraduate and graduate degrees in history, he followed his other passion for cinema to become a professional film critic and journalist. In recent years, Michael started his own genealogy business, Leaves and Branches Genealogy. As a result of these accumulated experiences, he brings tried and true research methods to each investigation that PMS Ghost Hunting performs. Additionally, Michael is passionate about finding the right tools and equipment to capture evidence during PMS investigations.

Born with an artistic soul, Pamela grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma where she learned from an early age that she had a special connection with those who have passed on yet still linger around. A long, diverse career in the medical field resulted in excelling as a leader, teacher, and presenter in her industry. She moved to the Kansas City area in 2017 and married Michael a few years later. What started out as a hobby has led them to a mutual passion for finding proof of the paranormal. Pamela has a gift for sensing the presence of spirits and making them, and the living, comfortable with communicating.

The goal of PMS Ghost Hunting is to help their clients better understand what is going on in their home or business. To learn if indeed what they describe is paranormal or just things that can be explained as natural, non-ghostly occurrences. Michael and Pamela strive to put their clients at ease and assist them with learning how to live with the paranormal without disrupting their lives. They also enjoy leading tours of haunted locations and letting guests use equipment to investigate for themselves. As the PMS slogangoes – “Anytime of the month is a good time of the month to go ghost hunting!”.